4 research outputs found


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    This dissertation studies the factors that negatively impact the accuracy of the collaborative filtering recommendation systems based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). The keystone in the recommendation system is the rating that expresses the user\u27s opinion about an item. One of the most significant issues in the recommendation systems is the lack of ratings. This issue is called cold-start issue, which appears clearly with New-Users who did not rate any item and New-Items, which did not receive any rating. The traditional recommendation systems assume that users are independent and identically distributed and ignore the connections among users whereas the recommendation actually is a social activity. This dissertation aims to enhance NMF-based recommendation systems by utilizing the imputation method and limiting the errors that are introduced in the system. External information such as trust network and item categories are incorporated into NMF-based recommendation systems through the imputation. The proposed approaches impute various subsets of the missing ratings. The subsets are defined based on the total number of the ratings of the user or item before the imputation, such as impute the missing ratings of New-Users, New-Items, or cold-start users or items that suffer from the lack of the ratings. In addition, several factors are analyzed that affect the prediction accuracy when the imputation method is utilized with NMF-based recommendation systems. These factors include the total number of the ratings of the user or item before the imputation, the total number of imputed ratings for each user and item, the average of imputed rating values, and the value of imputed rating values. In addition, several strategies are applied to select the subset of missing ratings for the imputation that lead to increasing the prediction accuracy and limiting the imputation error. Moreover, a comparison is conducted with some popular methods that are in common with the proposed method in utilizing the imputation to handle the lack of ratings, but they differ in the source of the imputed ratings. Experiments on different large-size datasets are conducted to examine the proposed approaches and analyze the effects of the imputation on accuracy. Users and items are divided into three groups based on the total number of the ratings before the imputation is applied and their recommendation accuracy is calculated. The results show that the imputation enhances the recommendation system by capacitating the system to recommend items to New-Users, introduce New-Items to users, and increase the accuracy of the cold-start users and items. However, the analyzed factors play important roles in the recommendation accuracy and limit the error that is introduced from the imputation

    Imputing Trust Network Information in NMF‐based Recommendation Systems

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    With the emergence of E‐commerce, recommendation system becomes a significant tool which can help both sellers and buyers. It helps sellers by increasing the profits and advertising items to customers. In addition, recommendation systems facilitate buyers to find items they are looking for easily. In recommendation systems, the rating matrix R represents users\u27 ratings for items. The rows in the rating matrix represent the users and the columns represent items. If particular user rates a particular item, then the value of the intersection of the user row and item column holds the rating value. The trust matrix T describes the trust relationship between users. The rows hold the users who create a trust relationship ‐ trustor ‐ and the columns represent users who have been trusted by trustors ‐ trustee ‐

    A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Random Forest Model for Dysgraphia Classification from Hand-Written Characters with Uniform/Normal Distribution

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) Dysgraphia is a disorder that affects most PD patients and is characterized by handwriting anomalies caused mostly by motor dysfunctions. Several effective ways to quantify PD dysgraphia analysis have been used, including online handwriting processing. In this research, an integrated approach, using a combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) layers along with a Random Forest (RF) classifier, is proposed for dysgraphia classification. The proposed approach uses uniform and normal distributions to randomly initialize the weights and biases of the CNN and LSTM layers. The CNN-LSTM model predictions are paired with the RF classifier to enhance the model’s accuracy and endurance. The suggested method shows promise in identifying handwriting symbols for those with dysgraphia, with the CNN-LSTM model’s accuracy being improved by the RF classifier. The suggested strategy may assist people with dysgraphia in writing duties and enhance their general writing skills. The experimental results indicate that the suggested approach achieves higher accuracy

    SSM: Stylometric and semantic similarity oriented multimodal fake news detection

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    Over the years, there has been a rise in the number of fabricated and fake news stories that utilize both textual and visual information formats. This coincides with the increased likelihood that users will acquire their news from websites and social media platforms. While there has been various research into the detection of fake news in text using machine learning techniques, less attention has been paid to the problem of multimedia data fabrication. In this paper, we propose a Stylometric, and Semantic similarity oriented for Multimodal Fake News Detection (SSM). There are five distinct modules that make up our methodology: Firstly, we used a Hyperbolic Hierarchical Attention Network (Hype-HAN) for extracting stylometric textual features. Secondly, we generated the news content summary and computed the similarity between Headline and summary. Thirdly, semantic similarity is computed between visual and textual features. Fourthly, images are analyzed for forgery. Lastly, the extracted features are fused for final classification. We have tested SSM framework on three standard fake news datasets. The results indicated that our suggested model has outperformed the base line and state-of-the-art methods and is more likely to detect fake news in complex environments